Help for new app packaging : 13ft [ alternative] - bypass paywalls

Hmmm yeah maybe you’re right, I didnt really have a look into the actual app :stuck_out_tongue:. Just highlighting that’s the usual stuff, but big +1 for not blindly copypasting stuff, each app has its own quirks

Then yeah I guess you mean the service integration in the Services section of the webadmin

During the uninstall, just stop the service, remove it from yunohost with yunohost service remove(?) and remove the systemd conf with the appropriate helper … the example app should show all this

Hmmm not sure what you mean, requirements.txt should be provided by the upstream app … though you could also build one manually … The syntax is for example this: (you can see Flask in the list along a bunch of other stuff). requirements.txt are usually generated by running something like pip freeze which list all packages installed + their version

Note that if this is just to install Flask, then there’s no need for a requirements.txt … They become relevant when you start having a bunch of dependencies. To install flask inside the venv, you can just run venv/bin/pip install Flask (not sure about the exact syntax and the call to pip inside the venv depends on the exact context)