Gossa install not working

I have searched the forum for similar issues


This category is for issues regarding specific apps, NOT general issues with YunoHost.


This form is written in English :uk: but feel free to write in French :fr: if you’re more comfortable!


What type of hardware are you using

VPS bought online

What YunoHost version are you running

updated to 11.2.31, same problem still

What app is this about


Describe your issue

I installed gossa, but when I try to open it. it doesn’t work. I see a bunch of errors in the browser devtools console: hastebin

(also the forum doesn’t have a gossa tag yet)

Share relevant logs or error messages


I unfortunately cannot replicate your issue:

I tried the three functions (uploading, creating a directory, creating a file).

Can you confirm the app’s version and your VPS architecture? (should be amd64, but who knows…)

OK I think maybe found something:

(I technically also restarted the app once again at the same time so maybe it was just the 3rd app restart)
BUT: have a clean gossa install (the folder fully deleted). then try to create a file using the button in the top right.
that’s what causing the errors for me.
BUT once i uploaded my first file, i’m wondering if it created the folders then, and from then on the new-file button worked

Indeed, I can replicate this behavior. No idea where it’s coming from.

I THINK maybe the folder is just not being created if you try to create a text file.

so i think it can be solved if the app install script already created all the folders and stuff

If you look at /home/yunohost.app/gossa right after install, the directory exists, the permissions are OK. There is no reason not to be able to create a text file in that directory.

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