[Galène] Videoconferencing server

I’ve put binaries for Linux, Windows and Mac OS here: Index of /~jch/software/files. Please let me know if you need other binaries.

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galene-password-generator as been integrated to the Testing version Testing by ericgaspar · Pull Request #110 · YunoHost-Apps/galene_ynh · GitHub as default.

It can be tested with:

sudo yunohost app upgrade galene -u https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/galene_ynh/tree/testing --debug

New stable version for Galène :tv:


  • Updated the protocol version to 2. Dates are now represented in
    ISO 8601 format, and there is a new “error” field in error messages
    that contains a machine-readable identifier.
  • Implemented stateful tokens (“invitations”).
  • Made more errors non-fatal, which makes it possible for the client
    to recover in more situations.
  • Reworked the progress indicator used during file transfer.
  • Added Referrer-Policy and X-Content-Type-Options headers to HTTP
    responses (Galene was already generating HTML links with the
    “noreferrer” option). Thanks to Alexandre Iooss.
  • Fixed a bug in the handling of leave messages. (The bundled client
    never sends leave, it just disconnects, so the bug never triggerred.)
  • Changed the way simulcast tracks are selected to not depend on the rid.

New stable version for Galène :tv:

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New stable version for Galène :tv:

  • 26 May 2024 - #134
    • Upgrade to upstream version 0.9.0


  • Reworked the group definition format to be more modular. There are
    some incompatible changes: multiple users with the same username but
    distinct passords are no longer supported, and the field
    “allow-anonymous” is ignored.
  • Reworked the definition of administrator passwords in config.json.
    The old field “admin” is ignored, a new field “users” is required.
    This is an incompatible change.
  • Implemented an administrative API over HTTP. Set the field
    “writableGroups” in config.json to enable it. The API is described in
    the file “README.API”, a JavaScript library is in management.js.
  • Implemented a form to allow users to change their password. If the
    HTTP API is enabled, a link will appear in the side menu.
  • Implemented a new command “/identify” (also availble in the users
    menu) that discloses the IP address from which a user connected.
  • Implemented a contextual menu that triggers on a double click on
    a chat entry.
  • Added a new command “/stopshare”.
  • Added a new permission “message” and new commands “shutup” and “unshutup”.
  • Changed stateless token validation to attempt all keys rather than
    just the first matching one.

Be aware this version has some breaking changes in the configuration files: Galene 0.9 in feature freeze