Forum unavailable - is it just me?

Hi all,

Yesterday or the day before I got a gateway error instead of the forum, and this morning it happened again.

I had hoped to see if anyone in a Matrix room had the same problem, but I’m not sure which general chat/support room is active at the moment.

Did anyone else encounter an error when visiting the forum?

the same for me.

Yes, the disk ran out of space, cleaned up a few things to get it up again but we’re still running out of space slowly because the content of the forum is growing slowly bigger


Do you expect this to become a structural problem? Is Yunohost swimming in enough money to upgrade the system it is running on, or would that need additional donations of hundreds of euro’s?

In case an upgrade is dependent on donations, is there an IBAN that can receive SEPA payments in Euro’s?

I wish it would just be a money thing but unfortunately, like a lot of things, this is definitely less about money and much more about “somebody needs to dig in and look how to expand storage on the machine” which is probably just a matter of 30 min or 1h but we’re always running after 42 different stuff simultaneously :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But don’t worry it’s not like we’ll be able to keep procrastinating if the machine keeps running out of space :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: