Failed to upgrade Gitlab

Out of curiosity, can you run:

yunohost log show 20211030-073907-app_upgrade-gitlab -n 10000000 | wc -l

(That should count how many lines there are in that file)

There are 47791 lines …

I could gzip it. It would get 1179962 instead of 8459702 bytes.

Any chance to provide you the logs?

You can send me via PM if you want

Sorry for late reply, but what do you mean with MP?


I think they mean Private Message (Message Privé in French → MP)

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Ho yeah sorry, PM :slight_smile:

Hi Kayou,

did you get my logs?
If so any idea what went wrong?



No, I didn’t get them.

Hello :slightly_smiling_face:,
I got a failed when updating Gitlab too :expressionless:
I can give you my logs :
My main problem is the backup-restore failed too :frowning_face:
I would like to install the new version but do you know how to restore all my repo ?
Many thanks for your help :grin:


Did you change the gitlab.rb file before the upgrade?

I can see the error:

Recipe Compile Error in /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/gitlab/recipes/default.rb
The maximum request duration needs to be smaller than the worker timeout (60s)


WARNING - File /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb has been manually modified since the installation or last upgrade. So it has been duplicated in /home/yunohost.conf/backup//etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb.backup.20211203.103956

Just to be sure, could you try to restore the backup of gitlab made automatically before the upgrade?