Etherpad and Strut fail to install

I have a new Yunohost installation, and I’m able to install most apps properly. However, Etherpad and Strut won’t install successfully, even after reboots. Searx initially failed to install, but worked after a reboot. The Etherpad installation fails at ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 1: Table '' doesn't exist. The Strut installation fails at Corrupt source almost immediately. If anyone has any idea what the problem could be, or could help me get these to install, that would be amazing.

Thanks in advance,

Strut Configuration

Label for Strut: Slides
Choose a domain for Strut: main domain
Choose a path for Strut: /strut
Could non member create presentations ?: No

Strut Installation Logs

The SSOwat configuration has been generated

/etc/nginx/conf.d/ wasn't deleted because it doesn't exist.

/var/www/strut wasn't deleted because it doesn't exist.


strut's script has encountered an error. Its execution was cancelled.


Corrupt source

2018-08-26 09:52:28 URL: [1909736] -> "strut-20160915-1.tar.gz" [1]

Etherpad Configuration

Choose a path for Etherpad: /pad
Choose the Etherpad Mypads administrator (must be an existing Yunohost User): My account
Set the administrator password: Alphanumeric with symbols
Choose your language: en
Is it a public website: No
Use abiword or libreoffice to expand export possibilities: Libreoffice
Do you want to install mypads plugin?: Yes
Do you want to use ldap with etherpad: Yes

Etherpad Installation Logs

The SSOwat configuration has been generated

Remove the user etherpad_mypads

Removing database etherpad_mypads

/usr/local/n wasn't deleted because it doesn't exist.

[INFO] Remove etherpad_mypads service

lost sys.stderr

sys.excepthook is missing

close failed in file object destructor:

Failed to get status information via dbus for service etherpad_mypads, systemctl didn't recognize this service ('NoSuchUnit').

Removed /etc/systemd/system/


etherpad_mypads's script has encountered an error. Its execution was cancelled.


ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 1: Table '' doesn't exist

........................................................................................................................The service etherpad_mypads didn't fully started before the timeout.

Starting of etherpad_mypads

Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /etc/systemd/system/etherpad_mypads.service.

2018-08-26 09:40:05 URL: [1229272] -> "app.tar.gz" [1]

0.0% 0.9% ## 3.7% ######## 11.8% #################### 28.0% ############################## 42.1% ########################################### 60.0% ####################################################### 77.2% ################################################################ 89.1% ######################################################################## 100.0%

2018-08-26 09:39:57 URL: [9592] -> "n.tar.gz" [1]

Installation of N - Node.js version management

Extracting templates from packages: 21% Extracting templates from packages: 42% Extracting templates from packages: 64% Extracting templates from packages: 85% Extracting templates from packages: 100%

My YunoHost configuration

Hardware: Old HP Desktop - i5 660
Internet access: only local network for now, modified hosts file on PC’s accessing it so domain works
YunoHost version:
yunohost: 3.1.0 (Stable)
yunohost-admin: 3.1.0 (Stable)
moulinette: 3.1.0 (Stable)
ssowat: 3.1.0 (Stable)
Have you personalized your yunohost with some specifics configurations or do you use only the yunohost cli/webadmin tool ? Basic


    "host": "Debian 9.5",
    "kernel": "4.9.0-8-amd64",
    "packages": {
        "yunohost": {
            "repo": "stable",
            "version": "3.1.0"
        "yunohost-admin": {
            "repo": "stable",
            "version": "3.1.0"
        "moulinette": {
            "repo": "stable",
            "version": "3.1.0"
        "ssowat": {
            "repo": "stable",
            "version": "3.1.0"
    "backports": [],
    "system": {
        "disks": {
            "sda6": "Mounted on /, 914.7GiB (908.7GiB free)",
            "sda1": "Mounted on /boot, 231.3MiB (160.8MiB free)"
        "memory": {
            "ram": "3.7GiB (2.8GiB free)",
            "swap": "976.0MiB (976.0MiB free)"
    "nginx": [
        "nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok",
        "nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful"
    "services": {
        "glances": "running (enabled)",
        "nslcd": "running (enabled)",
        "metronome": "running (enabled)",
        "slapd": "running (enabled)",
        "postfix": "exited (enabled)",
        "rspamd": "running (enabled)",
        "yunohost-firewall": "exited (enabled)",
        "nginx": "running (enabled)",
        "php7.0-fpm": "running (enabled)",
        "dnsmasq": "running (enabled)",
        "ssh": "running (enabled)",
        "yunohost-api": "running (enabled)",
        "mysql": "running (enabled)",
        "avahi-daemon": "running (enabled)",
        "dovecot": "running (enabled)",
        "redis-server": "running (enabled)",
        "uwsgi": "running (enabled)",
        "fail2ban": "running (enabled)"
    "applications": {
        "wallabag2": "Save For Later",
        "ttrss": "Reader",
        "zerobin": "Pastebin",
        "kanboard": "Tasks",
        "searx": "Web Search",
        "nextcloud": "Nextcloud"
    "private": {
        "public_ip": {
            "IPv4": "[redacted]",
            "IPv6": null
        "domains": [
        "regen_conf": {
            "dnsmasq": {
                "applied": {
                    "/etc/resolv.dnsmasq.conf": {
                        "status": "updated",
                        "diff": "[redacted]"
                "pending": {}
    "security": {
        "CVE-2017-5754": {
            "name": "meltdown",
            "vulnerable": false
1 Like

Strut testing branch work wells, the new version is waiting for validation to be official.

You can install it with