Errors during dyndns update

I have searched the forum for similar issues


This category is for general issues regarding YunoHost, NOT apps.


This form is written in English :uk: but feel free to write in French :fr: if you’re more comfortable!


What type of hardware are you using

Old laptop or computer

What YunoHost version are you running

How are you able to access your server

The webadmin

Are you in a special context or did you perform specific tweaking on your YunoHost instance ?


Describe your issue

Hi everyone,

My Yunohost instance works with a subdomain.
During the night my IP address changed, and I got an error during the automic dyndns update:
ERROR - The peer didn’t like the signature we sent

This morning, I removed and add again my subdomain, and I then got another error:
ERROR - The peer didn’t know the key we used

Thanks in advance for your time & help


2 hours after this post, no more errors encountered while updating dyndns. All work fine again.
Maybe it was a server-side error.


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