EOMA68 crowdfunding

Hello !

If you didn’t see it before, here is an very interesting crowdfunding project: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68/micro-desktop

I think it would be a good device on which installing Yunohost (with the micro desktop housing). Principally because it is completely free/libre (software + hardware) and eco-friendly. Plus, the people behind it seem to be pretty sincere and to have strong liberty and privacy principles.

The developer of Libreboot, Leah Rowe, has already said that she would support the platform for the next release of Libreboot : https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/libreboot/2016-08/msg00048.html

It remains 6 days to fund the project. So if you are interested, please back the project.

PS : please, excuse my bad English.