Dnsmasq ne fonctionne plus suite à une tentative de mise à jour yunohost

la sauvegarde complete :slight_smile:

il y a 6 jours 20220810-164601 (979 MB)

](YunoHost Admin)[

euh non je n’ai pas souvenir de problème à ce moment là avec VPNclient (mais j’ai hélas une très mauvaise mémoire)

Est-ce qu’on peut regarder un

yunohost log list --limit 200 | grep 'name: 20220811'

    name: 20220811-050519-tools_migrations_migrate_forward
    name: 20220811-050532-tools_upgrade
    name: 20220811-051151-tools_reboot
    name: 20220811-052808-tools_reboot
    name: 20220811-060815-regen_conf-dnsmasq
    name: 20220811-060935-tools_migrations_migrate_forward
    name: 20220811-061421-regen_conf-dnsmasq
    name: 20220811-061914-regen_conf-dnsmasq
    name: 20220811-061958-regen_conf-dnsmasq
    name: 20220811-062316-regen_conf-dnsmasq
    name: 20220811-063544-regen_conf-dnsmasq
    name: 20220811-063834-regen_conf-dnsmasq
    name: 20220811-075304-tools_migrations_migrate_forward
    name: 20220811-075708-tools_upgrade
    name: 20220811-085855-tools_upgrade
root@home:/home/xnx# yunohost log list --limit 200 | grep 'name: 20220811' >> result
Attention : unable to retrieve string to translate with key 'log_app_addaccess' for default locale 'locales/en.json' file (don't panic this is just a warning)
Attention : unable to retrieve string to translate with key 'log_app_clearaccess' for default locale 'locales/en.json' file (don't panic this is just a warning)
Attention : unable to retrieve string to translate with key 'log_app_addaccess' for default locale 'locales/en.json' file (don't panic this is just a warning)
Attention : unable to retrieve string to translate with key 'log_app_addaccess' for default locale 'locales/en.json' file (don't panic this is just a warning)
Attention : unable to retrieve string to translate with key 'log_app_addaccess' for default locale 'locales/en.json' file (don't panic this is just a warning)
Attention : unable to retrieve string to translate with key 'log_app_addaccess' for default locale 'locales/en.json' file (don't panic this is just a warning)
Erreur : Le fichier YAML de métadonnées associé aux logs est corrompu : '/var/log/yunohost/categories/operation/20190727-145258-app_install-hotspot.yml'
Erreur : Fichier YAML corrompu en lecture depuis /var/log/yunohost/categories/operation/20190727-145258-app_install-hotspot.yml (raison : while scanning an alias
  in "<unicode string>", line 12, column 32:
expected alphabetic or numeric character, but found '*'
  in "<unicode string>", line 12, column 33:
Attention : unable to retrieve string to translate with key 'log_service_enable' for default locale 'locales/en.json' file (don't panic this is just a warning)
Attention : unable to retrieve string to translate with key 'log_service_enable' for default locale 'locales/en.json' file (don't panic this is just a warning)
Attention : unable to retrieve string to translate with key 'log_app_removelist' for default locale 'locales/en.json' file (don't panic this is just a warning)
Attention : unable to retrieve string to translate with key 'log_app_fetchlist' for default locale 'locales/en.json' file (don't panic this is just a warning)
Attention : unable to retrieve string to translate with key 'log_app_addaccess' for default locale 'locales/en.json' file (don't panic this is just a warning)
Attention : unable to retrieve string to translate with key 'log_service_regen_conf' for default locale 'locales/en.json' file (don't panic this is just a warning)
Attention : unable to retrieve string to translate with key 'log_service_regen_conf' for default locale 'locales/en.json' file (don't panic this is just a warning)
Attention : unable to retrieve string to translate with key 'log_service_regen_conf' for default locale 'locales/en.json' file (don't panic this is just a warning)
Attention : unable to retrieve string to translate with key 'log_service_regen_conf' for default locale 'locales/en.json' file (don't panic this is just a warning)
Attention : unable to retrieve string to translate with key 'log_service_regen_conf' for default locale 'locales/en.json' file (don't panic this is just a warning)
Attention : unable to retrieve string to translate with key 'log_service_regen_conf' for default locale 'locales/en.json' file (don't panic this is just a warning)
Attention : unable to retrieve string to translate with key 'log_service_regen_conf' for default locale 'locales/en.json' file (don't panic this is just a warning)
Attention : unable to retrieve string to translate with key 'log_service_regen_conf' for default locale 'locales/en.json' file (don't panic this is just a warning)
Attention : unable to retrieve string to translate with key 'log_service_regen_conf' for default locale 'locales/en.json' file (don't panic this is just a warning)
Attention : unable to retrieve string to translate with key 'log_service_regen_conf' for default locale 'locales/en.json' file (don't panic this is just a warning)
Attention : unable to retrieve string to translate with key 'log_service_regen_conf' for default locale 'locales/en.json' file (don't panic this is just a warning)
name: 20220811-050457-tools_migrations_migrate_forward
name: 20220811-050519-tools_migrations_migrate_forward
name: 20220811-050532-tools_upgrade
name: 20220811-051151-tools_reboot
name: 20220811-052808-tools_reboot
name: 20220811-060815-regen_conf-dnsmasq
name: 20220811-060935-tools_migrations_migrate_forward
name: 20220811-061421-regen_conf-dnsmasq
name: 20220811-061914-regen_conf-dnsmasq
name: 20220811-061958-regen_conf-dnsmasq
name: 20220811-062316-regen_conf-dnsmasq
name: 20220811-063544-regen_conf-dnsmasq
name: 20220811-063834-regen_conf-dnsmasq
name: 20220811-075304-tools_migrations_migrate_forward
name: 20220811-075708-tools_upgrade
name: 20220811-085855-tools_upgrade
name: 20220811-050457-tools_migrations_migrate_forward
name: 20220811-050519-tools_migrations_migrate_forward
name: 20220811-050532-tools_upgrade
name: 20220811-051151-tools_reboot
name: 20220811-052808-tools_reboot
name: 20220811-060815-regen_conf-dnsmasq
name: 20220811-060935-tools_migrations_migrate_forward
name: 20220811-061421-regen_conf-dnsmasq
name: 20220811-061914-regen_conf-dnsmasq
name: 20220811-061958-regen_conf-dnsmasq
name: 20220811-062316-regen_conf-dnsmasq
name: 20220811-063544-regen_conf-dnsmasq
name: 20220811-063834-regen_conf-dnsmasq
name: 20220811-075304-tools_migrations_migrate_forward
name: 20220811-075708-tools_upgrade
name: 20220811-085855-tools_upgrade

Hmokay ben du coup pas trop d’info si ce n’est que les settings ont disparu quelques heures après avoir fait la migration vers Bullseye apriori … Il se peut aussi que ce soit un bug mystique et qu’un programme aient effacé les settings mais bon …

du coup le mieux ? Restauration sauvegarde ? Je n’arrive pas à réinstaller l’application nextcloud …

Tu peux tenter une restauration de juste l’app vpnclient oui …

1 Like

alors c’est curieux, VPN client n’est plus dans ma liste d’application, quand je vais sur Catalogue/application VPN client est là mais le bouton “installé” est vert pale … Je ne peux pas le réinstaller apparemment.

Et tu n’as pas un backup de cette app ?

non en tout cas pas dans la liste des sauvegardes

##### il y a environ 7 heures <small>freshrss-pre-upgrade2 (16 MB)</small>
##### il y a environ 7 heures <small>keeweb-pre-upgrade2 (8 MB)</small>
##### il y a environ 8 heures <small>nextcloud-pre-upgrade2 (489 MB)</small>
##### il y a environ 8 heures <small>hotspot-pre-upgrade1 (189 KB)</small>
##### il y a 6 jours <small>20220810-164601 (979 MB)</small>
##### il y a 23 jours <small>shellinabox-pre-upgrade1 (127 KB)</small>

##### Historique

Bon beh dans ce cas tentons de faire :

echo 'foo: bar' | sudo tee -a /etc/yunohost/apps/vpnclient/settings.yml

puis de désinstaller vpnclient avec

sudo yunohost app remove vpnclient

mais pas sur que ça crash pas au milieu

cho 'foo: bar' | sudo tee -a /etc/yunohost/apps/vpnclient/settings.yml
foo: bar
yunohost app remove vpnclient
Info : Suppression de vpnclient...
Info : Loading installation settings...
Info : Stopping and removing services
Attention : ls: impossible d'accéder à '/tmp/.ynh-vpnclient-*': Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
Info : Removing openvpn configuration
Info : Reloading firewall
Info : Removing dependencies
Attention : E: Held packages were changed and -y was used without --allow-change-held-packages.
Info : Removing the dedicated system user
Info : Removal of vpnclient completed
Succès ! vpnclient désinstallé
Erreur : vpnclient semble être mal installé
Erreur : vpnclient semble être mal installé

sur IRC (je lance un client depuis ma brique) j’ai été déconnecté et le nom de ma connexion VPN a changé. Je relance les mises à jour ?


via l’interface ça ne fonctionne pas. Il me dit que la migration n’est pas terminée.

quand je clique sur “executer” ça me rend la main ça ne fonctionne pas.

Je ne sais pas de quelle migration tu parles, on parlait de mettre à jour Nextcloud juste avant …

ha oui j’ai fait une mise à jour “totale” via l’interface “mettre à jour le système”

là j’ai fait :

yunohost app upgrade nextcloud
Info : Mise à jour de nextcloud...
Succès ! nextcloud est déjà à jour
Succès ! Mise à jour terminée

mais quand je vais sur la page nextcloud j’ai :slight_smile:

404 Not Found
