Disable SSOWat for custom URL

after digging through the code of SSOWat, I realized I was being confused because the permissions manager was reworked in YunoHost 4.1. There were multiple references to using skipped_urls and unprotected_urls on this forum which led me rogue.

The other realization that I got while browsing through the code was that the permissions manager could take arbitrary names and was not limited to the apps installed on YunoHost ( which had initially misled me to using core_skipped which actually broke the core system ).

For future readers, you need to add an arbitrary permission in /etc/ssowat/conf.json.persistent as follows :

"permissions" : {
  "arbitrary_permission_name" : {   // can be anything
    "auth_header" : false,   // optional; what is the point anyway?
    "public" : true,   // required to skip the URIs being SSO'd
    "show_tile" : false,   // optional; to skip showing a tile on the user portal
    "uris" : [   // required; the most important block
      "re:^[^/]*/%.well%-known/regex/too"   // can take lua or PCRE regexes too
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