Des nouvelles de Tiny Tiny RSS ? Any news about Tiny Tiny RSS?

What type of hardware are you using: Virtual machine
What YunoHost version are you running: (stable)
What app is this about: Tiny Tiny RSS

Describe your issue

Il semble qu’il y ait un probleme avec Tiny Tiny RSS. Quelqu’un aurait-il des nouvelles quant à sa résolution?
.It seems there is a problem with Tiny Tiny RSS does anyone has any news about if this will be solved

Share relevant logs or error messages

[WARNING] An issue was found for app Tiny Tiny RSS

  • This application is currently flagged as broken on YunoHost’s application catalog. This may be a temporary issue while the maintainers attempt to fix the issue. In the meantime, upgrading this app is disabled.

Is that warning from «Diagnostics»?, I have that too, even after upgrading to version 20240913-testing branch.

I have had no problems so far :crossed_fingers: so I guess this warning is related to some automatic CI test the ttrss-ynh package has not passed.

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yes, that’s it

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