Cryptpad hangs on loading screen

:uk:/:us: Message template (english)

My YunoHost server

Hardware: Raspberry Pi at home
YunoHost version:
I have access to my server: Through SSH and through the webadmin
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no
If your request is related to an app, specify its name and version: CryptPad 5.3.0~ynh1

Description of my issue

Installed CryptPad on my yunohost, DNS of sandbox domain added as given in post installation remarks
Restarted CryptPad, registered a user in CryptPad
Remarks say “Copy the public key found in User Menu (avatar at the top right) > Settings > Account > Public Signing Key”
But if I click on the button top right, system hangs up while loading the drive, showing only the CryptPad symbol and the text “Loading…”. So, I do not have access to the public key and can’t change this in config.js
Starting any document hangs on the same starting screen

thx for help


Can you have a look into your browser developer console (generally accessible by pressing F12
) and report any error displayed there?

Thanks for your reply. Clicking on the avatar top right, I see an error:
Content-Security-Policy: Die Einstellungen der Seite haben das Laden einer Ressource auf … blockiert (“frame-src”).

Using Safari, it says refuse to load … because it does not appear in the frame-src directive of the Content Security Policy.

can you try the checkup page and post result here ?

I see you are installing at home, what type of raspberry are you having ?
Cryptpad could use a lot of ressources.

Are you using a domain that you own like a .com or so ?
Have you configured correctly your network for your app to be accessible from the ‘outside’ internet ? (preferably a reverse proxy)

Cryptpad as package for yunohost at this stage does not work with .local domains.

Hi, thanks for coming back to me
Raspberry 4B, 4GB, 32 GB disk space
yunohost is installed with local, but CryptPad is installed of a domain
yunohost selftest says all is ok, with exeption of a lacking CAA DNS record and 2 errors in E-Mail (Reverse-DNS entry: not possible with my provider)

Checkup: Errors (red) in Test 6, 17, 18, 21, 24, 26, all directing to sandbox problems
A few additional warnings.
DNS for subdomain and Sandbox-subdomain are correctly set, certificate is installed.


how do you redirect your internet traffic to your raspberry pi ?
do you have a reverse proxy ?

I have just opened the ports for this device, as given in the yunohost installation description

I need to do some testing to reproduce what you describe.

If you are confident with ssh and command line you can verify each error message from checkup in regard to nginx conf.

I was the one re-packaging this app to include sandbox domain and I have validated it only on a server in DC context.

Please open a github issue so it will be easier for me to follow up with, and don’t hesitate to give all details and paste the checkup errors.

Thanks !

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