Matériel: VM sur Freebox Delta
Version de YunoHost: 11.2.12
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Le service Firewall de Yunohost.
Bonjour a tous,
Depuis la derniere mise a jour >11.2.12 il apparait que le service firewall integré a yunohost crash ! et comme je suis un simple bidouilleur j avoue que je ne comprend pas pourquoi.
Si quelqu’un pouvait me renseigner voir m orienter vers une solution ça serai sympa.
je vous partage le log.
merci d avance !
LOGFILE: journalctl
LOGFILE: journalctl
-- Journal begins at Mon 2023-12-04 11:24:38 UTC, ends at Thu 2024-05-23 15:53:28 UTC. --
May 20 12:15:29 systemd[1]: Failed to start YunoHost Firewall.
-- Boot 0923ce01e3004e10950bc89bbee1e487 --
May 21 11:17:16 systemd[1]: Starting YunoHost Firewall...
May 21 11:17:27 yunohost[558]: You cannot play with iptables here. You are either in a container or your kernel does not support it
May 21 11:17:27 yunohost[558]: You cannot play with ip6tables here. You are either in a container or your kernel does not support it
May 21 11:17:27 yunohost[558]: Could not reload the firewall
May 21 11:17:27 systemd[1]: yunohost-firewall.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May 21 11:17:27 systemd[1]: yunohost-firewall.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 21 11:17:27 systemd[1]: Failed to start YunoHost Firewall.
-- Boot 79f8a7042cc54b86b5f2321ed9c12733 --
May 22 17:23:38 systemd[1]: Starting YunoHost Firewall...
May 22 17:23:49 yunohost[565]: You cannot play with iptables here. You are either in a container or your kernel does not support it
May 22 17:23:49 yunohost[565]: You cannot play with ip6tables here. You are either in a container or your kernel does not support it
May 22 17:23:49 yunohost[565]: Could not reload the firewall
May 22 17:23:49 systemd[1]: yunohost-firewall.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May 22 17:23:49 systemd[1]: yunohost-firewall.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 22 17:23:49 systemd[1]: Failed to start YunoHost Firewall.
-- Boot 671ee12a6c1a4b7c89926ec9714d5b0a --
May 22 21:26:22 systemd[1]: Starting YunoHost Firewall...
May 22 21:26:33 systemd[1]: yunohost-firewall.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May 22 21:26:33 yunohost[549]: You cannot play with iptables here. You are either in a container or your kernel does not support it
May 22 21:26:33 yunohost[549]: You cannot play with ip6tables here. You are either in a container or your kernel does not support it
May 22 21:26:33 yunohost[549]: Could not reload the firewall
May 22 21:26:33 systemd[1]: yunohost-firewall.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 22 21:26:33 systemd[1]: Failed to start YunoHost Firewall.
-- Boot 0abadaaedf9b4af18e9ffa1b841714b0 --
May 23 14:48:46 systemd[1]: Starting YunoHost Firewall...
May 23 14:48:55 yunohost[549]: You cannot play with iptables here. You are either in a container or your kernel does not support it
May 23 14:48:55 yunohost[549]: You cannot play with ip6tables here. You are either in a container or your kernel does not support it
May 23 14:48:55 yunohost[549]: Could not reload the firewall
May 23 14:48:56 systemd[1]: yunohost-firewall.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May 23 14:48:56 systemd[1]: yunohost-firewall.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 23 14:48:56 systemd[1]: Failed to start YunoHost Firewall.
-- Boot 5a8a666983d044c3ae8b48c14b608be2 --
May 23 15:45:21 systemd[1]: Starting YunoHost Firewall...
May 23 15:45:32 systemd[1]: yunohost-firewall.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May 23 15:45:33 yunohost[549]: You cannot play with iptables here. You are either in a container or your kernel does not support it
May 23 15:45:33 yunohost[549]: You cannot play with ip6tables here. You are either in a container or your kernel does not support it
May 23 15:45:33 yunohost[549]: Could not reload the firewall
May 23 15:45:32 systemd[1]: yunohost-firewall.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 23 15:45:32 systemd[1]: Failed to start YunoHost Firewall.
May 23 15:50:33 systemd[1]: Starting YunoHost Firewall...
May 23 15:50:35 yunohost[1424]: You cannot play with iptables here. You are either in a container or your kernel does not support it
May 23 15:50:35 yunohost[1424]: You cannot play with ip6tables here. You are either in a container or your kernel does not support it
May 23 15:50:35 yunohost[1424]: Could not reload the firewall
May 23 15:50:35 systemd[1]: yunohost-firewall.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May 23 15:50:35 systemd[1]: yunohost-firewall.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 23 15:50:35 systemd[1]: Failed to start YunoHost Firewall.
-- Boot 55cc02b196af4450ba52a79eac9dfca4 --
May 23 15:53:05 systemd[1]: Starting YunoHost Firewall...
May 23 15:53:16 yunohost[545]: You cannot play with iptables here. You are either in a container or your kernel does not support it
May 23 15:53:16 yunohost[545]: You cannot play with ip6tables here. You are either in a container or your kernel does not support it
May 23 15:53:16 yunohost[545]: Could not reload the firewall
May 23 15:53:16 systemd[1]: yunohost-firewall.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May 23 15:53:16 systemd[1]: yunohost-firewall.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 23 15:53:16 systemd[1]: Failed to start YunoHost Firewall.