[Firefly III] Manager for your personal finances


I am happy to announce the addition of Firefly III app on YunoHost.

Firefly III is a (self-hosted) manager for your personal finances. It can help you keep track of your expenses and income, so you can spend less and save more. Firefly III supports the use of budgets, categories and tags. It can import data from external sources and it has many neat financial reports available. You can read all about it in the main repository and in theofficial documentation.

Please feel free to test and open an issues here.


You made it !
Bravo :slight_smile:

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alors la bravo,

encore une application qui n’ a plus besoin d’etre dans le cloud !!
génialisime !!!

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I have been waiting for this day… :+1: Thanks!

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Firefly have been updated to version

Upgrade by admin interface or by command line :

$ yunohost app upgrade -u https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/firefly-iii_ynh firefly-iii

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This indicates that you already have an app installed on the domain you are trying to install Firefly-III.
Make an new domain like firefly.domain.tld and then try to install the app again.

So I need a dedicated domain to install Firefly?

Yes,you need dedicated domain for Firefly-III. In my experience too, its better to have apps on dedicated domains rather then sub-paths because its easier to migrate the app from one server to another. For eg. if you have migrate Firefly-III from server A to server B, then you just need point the domain firefly.domain.tld to server B and create a firefly.domain.tld on server B. And you are ready to restore the app on the server B. Its little complex when the apps are installed on sub-paths like domain.tld/wordpress,domain.tld/firefly.

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Yes,you need dedicated domain for Firefly-III. In my experience too, its better to have apps on dedicated domains rather then sub-paths because its easier to migrate the app from one server to another. For eg. if you have migrate Firefly-III from server A to server B, then you just need point the domain firefly.domain.tld to server B and create a firefly.domain.tld on server B. And you are ready to restore the app on the server B. Its little complex when the apps are installed on sub-paths like domain.tld/wordpress,domain.tld/firefly.

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Ok, thank you.

Firefly-III package have been updated to version for testing. Will be merged into master after one day.

Update with this command:

$ yunohost app upgrade -u https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/Firefly-III_ynh/tree/testing firefly-III

Firefly-III master branch has been merged with testing version You can update it normally with admin interface or command line.

There is a admin interface bug in Firefly-III version due to which the admin interface of the Firefly-III gets disabled. This issue is not related to YunoHost packaging and will be fixed in next Firefly-III version. See here https://github.com/firefly-iii/firefly-iii/issues/1584

Firefly-III package have been updated to version .

Update with this command:

$ yunohost app upgrade -u https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/Firefly-III_ynh

Firefly-III package have been updated to version 4.7.7 .
Note: Firefly-III will require php7.2 from now on.

Update with this command:

$ yunohost app upgrade -u https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/Firefly-III_ynh

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Firefly-III package have been updated to version 4.7.8 .
Note: Firefly-III will require php7.2 from version 4.7.7

Update with this command:

$ yunohost app upgrade -u https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/Firefly-III_ynh


Tout d’abord merci pour ce package : je découvre Firefly et suis très agréablement surpris, c’est vraiment une solution qui va me permettre d’abandonner mon logiciel “desktop”.

Pour info, l’app m’annonce une nouvelle version (4.7.17).

Bonne journée.


Ne voyant guerre d’informations récentes sur cette application, je me permet:
Est-elle recommandée via YNH? Est-elle maintenue? Serait-ce pertinent de plutot l’installer via une customwebapp?

Cet outil m’interesse vraiment énormément (Kresus ne me botte qu’assez peu), mais je ne suis pas très chaud pour l’héberger chez mon mutualisé, vue les données… Privée.


Franchement je crains qu’il n’y ait pas le nombre d’utilisateurs légitimant le maintien de cet app sur Yunohost :confused: En effet, elle est très bien faite et le développeur est superactif mais pour diverses raisons j’ai maintenant déménagé mes comptes sur un autre outil.

Le mieux reste de demander (en anglais) à @kanhu s’il compte continuer le support :wink:

Hello all,

Is this app maintained or working? I installed it twice but when i follow the link to access it, all i got was a blank page…not even the YNH login page. Not even I am logged in nothing happens…
My system is fully updated with the latest versions.

Any ideas?

Can you show the nginx logs?
$ tail /var/logs/nginx/domain.tld-access.log
$ tail /var/logs/nginx/domain.tld-error.log