Clean migration to integrated letsencrypt

Hi all,

I had letsencrypt installed using the howto here, using one certificate for all subdomains.
Since I add some new subdomains, I have now 2 options:

1.“Hack” the freshly created domain in yunohost so I can use my own letsencrypt setup
2.Migrate to the integrated letsencrypt provided by Yunohost 2.5

Obviously, the 2. is the best choice in the long run. I prefer to do things the Yunohost way than maintaining my own things.

Question is: is there any guide to “migrate” from the howto to the integrated solution?
The risk to me is I end up screwing around with the existing system while failing to “clean up” my old settings. I would end up with a hybrid system that doesn’t work well with neither the howto nor the new system.

Thanks in advance!

I have the same question and doubt.

You normally have all the answers there