Certificates not auto-renewing when using Cloudflare CDN

the solution is on the Cloudflare side

  1. under Page Rules
    Create Page rule as the first rule
    add the setting SSL and set it to off

  2. under DNS
    add a record type CAA
    under tag you have to choose if you allow let’s encrypt to delivery * (wildcards) certificate or for specific hostname (which I prefer)
    allow Value letsencrypt.org
    you will end with something like this:
    CAA domain.tld 0 issue "letsencrypt.org" Automatic

but at the end Let’s Encrypt or the Self-signed Certificate already generated by yunohost will change nothing everything will be encrypted from
user to cloudflare than to cloudflare to your yunohost which means you and your user have to trust cloudflare because they act as a man in the middle.

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