Certificate renewing attempt for stemy.me failed!

Mon serveur YunoHost

Matériel: Olinuxino LIME 1
Version de YunoHost:
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Description du problème


Je reçois régulièrement des mails deq mon serveur me disant qu’il ne parvient pas à renouveler le certificat à cause d’une erreur que je ne comprends pas. Voici le contenu:

An attempt for renewing the certificate for domain stemy.me failed with the following
error :

La signature du nouveau certificat a échoué
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/moulinette/yunohost/certificate.py", line 383, in certificate_renew
    _fetch_and_enable_new_certificate(domain, staging, no_checks=no_checks)
  File "/usr/lib/moulinette/yunohost/certificate.py", line 576, in _fetch_and_enable_new_certificate
    raise YunohostError('certmanager_cert_signing_failed')
YunohostError: La signature du nouveau certificat a échoué

Here's the tail of /var/log/yunohost/yunohost-cli.log, which might help to
investigate :

2019-05-24 06:25:29,073 DEBUG    moulinette.actionsmap __init__ - extra parameter classes loaded: ['comment', 'ask', 'password', 'required', 'pattern']
2019-05-24 06:25:29,074 DEBUG    moulinette.interface __init__ - initializing base actions map parser for cli
2019-05-24 06:25:29,085 DEBUG    moulinette.interface __init__ - registering new callback action 'yunohost.utils.packages.ynh_packages_version' to ['-v', '--version']
2019-05-24 06:25:29,976 DEBUG    moulinette.authenticator.ldap __init__ - initialize authenticator 'ldap-anonymous' with: uri='ldap://localhost:389', base_dn='dc=yunohost,dc=org', user_rdn='None'
2019-05-24 06:25:30,018 DEBUG    moulinette.core acquire - lock has been acquired
2019-05-24 06:25:30,645 DEBUG    moulinette.actionsmap process - loading python module yunohost.domain took 0.626s
2019-05-24 06:25:30,646 INFO     moulinette.actionsmap process - processing action [24852.1]: yunohost.domain.cert-renew with args={'no_checks': False, 'force': False, 'domain_list': [], 'auth': <moulinette.authenticators.ldap.Authenticator object at 0xb6566a50>, 'staging': False, 'email': True}
2019-05-24 06:25:33,541 DEBUG    requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool _new_conn - Starting new HTTPS connection (1): ip.yunohost.org
2019-05-24 06:25:33,908 DEBUG    requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool _make_request - https://ip.yunohost.org:443 "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 13
2019-05-24 06:25:34,004 DEBUG    requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool _new_conn - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2019-05-24 06:25:34,023 DEBUG    requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool _make_request - "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 302 0
2019-05-24 06:25:34,038 INFO     yunohost.certmanager certificate_renew - [24852.1] Now attempting renewing of certificate for domain stemy.me !
2019-05-24 06:25:34,053 DEBUG    requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool _new_conn - Starting new HTTPS connection (1): ip.yunohost.org
2019-05-24 06:25:34,384 DEBUG    requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool _make_request - https://ip.yunohost.org:443 "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 13
2019-05-24 06:25:34,462 DEBUG    requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool _new_conn - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2019-05-24 06:25:34,472 DEBUG    requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool _make_request - "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" 302 0
2019-05-24 06:25:34,534 DEBUG    yunohost.certmanager _fetch_and_enable_new_certificate - [24852.1] Making sure tmp folders exists...
2019-05-24 06:25:34,578 DEBUG    requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool _new_conn - Starting new HTTPS connection (1): ip.yunohost.org
2019-05-24 06:25:34,890 DEBUG    requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool _make_request - https://ip.yunohost.org:443 "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 13
2019-05-24 06:25:34,930 DEBUG    requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool _new_conn - Starting new HTTPS connection (1): ip6.yunohost.org
2019-05-24 06:26:04,995 DEBUG    yunohost.utils.network get_public_ip - Could not get public IPv6 : URL https://ip6.yunohost.org invalide : ce site existe-t-il ?
2019-05-24 06:26:05,005 DEBUG    yunohost.certmanager _fetch_and_enable_new_certificate - [24852.1] Prepare key and certificate signing request (CSR) for stemy.me...
2019-05-24 06:26:08,833 DEBUG    yunohost.certmanager _prepare_certificate_signing_request - [24852.1] Saving to /tmp/acme-challenge-private/stemy.me.csr.
2019-05-24 06:26:08,837 DEBUG    yunohost.certmanager _fetch_and_enable_new_certificate - [24852.1] Now using ACME Tiny to sign the certificate...
2019-05-24 06:26:08,839 INFO     yunohost.certmanager get_crt - [24852.1] Parsing account key...
2019-05-24 06:26:08,920 INFO     yunohost.certmanager get_crt - [24852.1] Parsing CSR...
2019-05-24 06:26:08,990 INFO     yunohost.certmanager get_crt - [24852.1] Registering account...
2019-05-24 06:39:27,947 ERROR    yunohost.certmanager _fetch_and_enable_new_certificate - [24852.1] Error registering: 400 {
  "type": "urn:acme:error:badNonce",
  "detail": "JWS has invalid anti-replay nonce kkUg0MmIZ_AVCowuBS6HXKSXHAl7FJEkfEZLAZ6oA0U",
  "status": 400
2019-05-24 06:39:28,047 DEBUG    requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool _new_conn - Starting new HTTPS connection (1): ip.yunohost.org
2019-05-24 06:39:28,391 DEBUG    requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool _make_request - https://ip.yunohost.org:443 "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 13
2019-05-24 06:39:28,419 WARNING  yunohost.certmanager _display_debug_information - [24852.1] Debug information:
 - domain ip from DNS
 - domain ip from local DNS
 - public ip of the server

2019-05-24 06:39:28,435 ERROR    yunohost.certmanager certificate_renew - [24852.1] Certificate renewing for stemy.me failed !
2019-05-24 06:39:28,450 INFO     yunohost.log close - [24852.1] L’opération 'Renouveler le certificat Let’s Encrypt de 'stemy.me'' a échouée ! Pour avoir de l’aide, merci de partager le journal historisé de cette opération en utilisant la commande 'yunohost log display 20190524-042534-letsencrypt_cert_renew-stemy.me --share'
2019-05-24 06:39:28,477 ERROR    yunohost.certmanager certificate_renew - [24852.1] Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/moulinette/yunohost/certificate.py", line 383, in certificate_renew
    _fetch_and_enable_new_certificate(domain, staging, no_checks=no_checks)
  File "/usr/lib/moulinette/yunohost/certificate.py", line 576, in _fetch_and_enable_new_certificate
    raise YunohostError('certmanager_cert_signing_failed')
YunohostError: La signature du nouveau certificat a échoué

2019-05-24 06:39:28,478 ERROR    yunohost.certmanager certificate_renew - [24852.1] La signature du nouveau certificat a échoué
2019-05-24 06:39:28,480 ERROR    yunohost.certmanager certificate_renew - [24852.1] Sending email with details to root ...

-- Certificate Manager

Il est accompagné d’un deuxième mail qui contient ceci:

Now attempting renewing of certificate for domain stemy.me !
Parsing account key...
Parsing CSR...
Registering account...
Error registering: 400 {
  "type": "urn:acme:error:badNonce",
  "detail": "JWS has invalid anti-replay nonce kkUg0MmIZ_AVCowuBS6HXKSXHAl7FJEkfEZLAZ6oA0U",
  "status": 400
Debug information:
 - domain ip from DNS
 - domain ip from local DNS
 - public ip of the server

Certificate renewing for stemy.me failed !
L’opération 'Renouveler le certificat Let’s Encrypt de 'stemy.me'' a échouée ! Pour avoir de l’aide, merci de partager le journal historisé de cette opération en utilisant la commande 'yunohost log display 20190524-042534-letsencrypt_cert_renew-stemy.me --share'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/moulinette/yunohost/certificate.py", line 383, in certificate_renew
    _fetch_and_enable_new_certificate(domain, staging, no_checks=no_checks)
  File "/usr/lib/moulinette/yunohost/certificate.py", line 576, in _fetch_and_enable_new_certificate
    raise YunohostError('certmanager_cert_signing_failed')
YunohostError: La signature du nouveau certificat a échoué

La signature du nouveau certificat a échoué
Sending email with details to root ...

D’après ce que je lis sur le forum letsencrypt il se peut que ce soit une question de vitesse d’exécution de la procédure de renouvellement.

Or dans ton cas il s’écoule environ 13 min entre l’étape “registering account” et l’erreur.

Du coup je t’encourage à tester le renouvellement manuellement, plusieurs fois jusqu’à ce que ça marche. Si ça échoue encore, il faudra chercher à comprendre pourquoi ça prend autant de temps.

Ça fait 2 jours que je fais plusieurs tests infructueux. Qu’est-ce qui peut bien lui faire prendre autant de temps ?

UPDATE: J’ai fait un nouvel essai et ça a marché. Je sais toujours pas pourquoi ça a été si dur, mais au moins, c’est résolu.