Can't login after installation

My YunoHost server

Hardware: VPS bought online
YunoHost version: 4.0.8
I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no
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Description of my issue

I installed Yunohost on a second try, after I encountered some issue with LDAP. So it made sense, when I got these warnings back:

Warning: Error when trying to inject 'ou=users' -> '{'objectClass': ['organizationalUnit', 'top'], 'ou': 'users'}' into ldap: error during LDAP add operation with: rdn='ou=users', attr_dict={'objectClass': ['organizationalUnit', 'top'], 'ou': 'users'} and exception {'desc': u'Already exists'}
Warning: Error when trying to inject 'ou=domains' -> '{'objectClass': ['organizationalUnit', 'top'], 'ou': 'domains'}' into ldap: error during LDAP add operation with: rdn='ou=domains', attr_dict={'objectClass': ['organizationalUnit', 'top'], 'ou': 'domains'} and exception {'desc': u'Already exists'}
Warning: Error when trying to inject 'ou=groups' -> '{'objectClass': ['organizationalUnit', 'top'], 'ou': 'groups'}' into ldap: error during LDAP add operation with: rdn='ou=groups', attr_dict={'objectClass': ['organizationalUnit', 'top'], 'ou': 'groups'} and exception {'desc': u'Already exists'}
Warning: Error when trying to inject 'ou=sudo' -> '{'objectClass': ['organizationalUnit', 'top'], 'ou': 'sudo'}' into ldap: error during LDAP add operation with: rdn='ou=sudo', attr_dict={'objectClass': ['organizationalUnit', 'top'], 'ou': 'sudo'} and exception {'desc': u'Already exists'}
Warning: Error when trying to inject 'ou=apps' -> '{'objectClass': ['organizationalUnit', 'top'], 'ou': 'apps'}' into ldap: error during LDAP add operation with: rdn='ou=apps', attr_dict={'objectClass': ['organizationalUnit', 'top'], 'ou': 'apps'} and exception {'desc': u'Already exists'}
Warning: Error when trying to inject 'ou=permission' -> '{'objectClass': ['organizationalUnit', 'top'], 'ou': 'permission'}' into ldap: error during LDAP add operation with: rdn='ou=permission', attr_dict={'objectClass': ['organizationalUnit', 'top'], 'ou': 'permission'} and exception {'desc': u'Already exists'}
Warning: Error when trying to inject 'cn=visitors,ou=groups' -> '{'objectClass': ['posixGroup', 'groupOfNamesYnh'], 'gidNumber': '4003', 'cn': 'visitors'}' into ldap: error during LDAP add operation with: rdn='cn=visitors,ou=groups', attr_dict={'objectClass': ['posixGroup', 'groupOfNamesYnh'], 'gidNumber': '4003', 'cn': 'visitors'} and exception {'desc': u'Already exists'}
Warning: Error when trying to inject 'cn=all_users,ou=groups' -> '{'objectClass': ['posixGroup', 'groupOfNamesYnh'], 'gidNumber': '4002', 'cn': 'all_users'}' into ldap: error during LDAP add operation with: rdn='cn=all_users,ou=groups', attr_dict={'objectClass': ['posixGroup', 'groupOfNamesYnh'], 'gidNumber': '4002', 'cn': 'all_users'} and exception {'desc': u'Already exists'}
Warning: Error when trying to inject 'cn=admins,ou=groups' -> '{'objectClass': ['posixGroup', 'top'], 'memberUid': 'admin', 'gidNumber': '4001', 'cn': 'admins'}' into ldap: error during LDAP add operation with: rdn='cn=admins,ou=groups', attr_dict={'objectClass': ['posixGroup', 'top'], 'memberUid': 'admin', 'gidNumber': '4001', 'cn': 'admins'} and exception {'desc': u'Already exists'}
Warning: Error when trying to inject 'cn=admin,ou=sudo' -> '{'cn': 'admin', 'sudoCommand': 'ALL', 'sudoUser': 'admin', 'objectClass': ['sudoRole', 'top'], 'sudoOption': '!authenticate', 'sudoHost': 'ALL'}' into ldap: error during LDAP add operation with: rdn='cn=admin,ou=sudo', attr_dict={'cn': 'admin', 'sudoCommand': 'ALL', 'sudoUser': 'admin', 'objectClass': ['sudoRole', 'top'], 'sudoOption': '!authenticate', 'sudoHost': 'ALL'} and exception {'desc': u'Already exists'}
Warning: Error when trying to inject 'cn=mail.main,ou=permission' -> '{'objectClass': ['posixGroup', 'permissionYnh'], 'gidNumber': '5001', 'groupPermission': ['cn=all_users,ou=groups,dc=yunohost,dc=org'], 'cn': 'mail.main'}' into ldap: error during LDAP add operation with: rdn='cn=mail.main,ou=permission', attr_dict={'objectClass': ['posixGroup', 'permissionYnh'], 'gidNumber': '5001', 'groupPermission': ['cn=all_users,ou=groups,dc=yunohost,dc=org'], 'cn': 'mail.main'} and exception {'desc': u'Already exists'}
Warning: Error when trying to inject 'cn=xmpp.main,ou=permission' -> '{'objectClass': ['posixGroup', 'permissionYnh'], 'gidNumber': '5002', 'groupPermission': ['cn=all_users,ou=groups,dc=yunohost,dc=org'], 'cn': 'xmpp.main'}' into ldap: error during LDAP add operation with: rdn='cn=xmpp.main,ou=permission', attr_dict={'objectClass': ['posixGroup', 'permissionYnh'], 'gidNumber': '5002', 'groupPermission': ['cn=all_users,ou=groups,dc=yunohost,dc=org'], 'cn': 'xmpp.main'} and exception {'desc': u'Already exists'}

Then I created a user through SSH, which worked fine. But when I open my domain in a browser (Firefox on Linux Mint), I wasn’t able to log in - it looked like the browser is timeouting and there is no reposnse in the dev tools. I ran diagnosis, but the only errors recorder were related to missing DNS records. I also tried to log in at https:// with admin password, which worked fine on a second try. The only possibly related error I was able to find in syslog is
Oct 9 21:13:42 xxxxx nslcd[527]: [e87ccd] <passwd="*"> request denied by validnames option

I also tried to look to service logs to no avail…

What else can I try?

Weeeeeeeelll, as a random question, are you trying to access your server using the domain name whiiiiich could be related to the missing DNS records ? :thinking:

DNS records for web interface should be correct according to the diagnosis. I checked theme also outside of the Yunohost context and everything looks good. However, I strongly suspect it has something in common with network errors (connection timeouts) I encountered in the admin web interface - apt cache couldn’t be updated and random app (wekan) couldn’t be installed. But I was able to install it just fine using CLI through SSH.

Did you experience anything like this?

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