Cannot upgrade and migrate to YunoHost 3

@Thibaut ,

Don’t care about autoremove for now and try this

dpkg -i --force-confmiss fail2ban_0.9.6-2_all.deb
mv /etc/fail2ban /etc/fail2ban.old2
dpkg -i --force-confmiss /var/cache/apt/archives/fail2ban*.deb
yunohost service regen-conf fail2ban --force
systemctl restart fail2ban
yunohost service status fail2ban

Edit @Thibaut
Then :

apt update && apt dist-upgrade
yunohost tools update
yunohost tools upgrade --ignore-apps
yunohost tools migrations migrate


After, if all is gone well, you could do

apt-get autoremove && apt-get autoclean

But later, there is no urgency :wink:


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