Can public users self-register yet?

My YunoHost server

Hardware: Old laptop or computer
YunoHost version:
I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin | direct access via keyboard / screen | (all of the above)
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no, not yet. :slight_smile:
If yes, please explain:

Description of my issue

Thanks guys, for answering all my previous questions -
What you are trying to achieve?
short answer: Allow users to self-register for an account on my bookstack website.

Long answer:
Ok, I’m trying to use Bookstack (a wiki?), but I’d like to allow users of my website to “self-register” their own user login / password. The Yunohost installation shows that users can be managed through Yunohost, but apparently, I have to create them manually? Here’s the Yunohost notes:

I’d rather not create them manually. Bookstack has the option of allowing them to self-register:

but only if there’s no LDAP in place.

I found that there was a ticket last year for Yunohost to allow self-registration: Allow users to self-register (or with invitation link) · Issue #1677 · YunoHost/issues · GitHub

If this is working, can you direct me to some instructions on using it?
— OR —
If the Yunohost self-registration is NOT working, can you direct me on how to turn it off on the Yunohost side, so I can turn it on for Bookstack?

sorry, there are no error messages

Thanks a bunch!

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The issue is still open, so I think it’s still under development.

I don’t use bookstack, but I would say, disable ldap on it (commenting the ldap related lines and changing the authentication method to standard AUTH_METHOD=standard).
You will be probably able to connect using the default login of bookstack :

You can now login using the default admin details with a password of password .

ok, great!
I’ll see if I can get that going on Bookstack.

I’ll report back how it goes…

Much appreciated!

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