Bookworm: "Domain" web menu of yunohost did not appear

What type of hardware are you using: VPS bought online
What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0.4
How are you able to access your server: The webadmin

Describe your issue

Hello from France,
I tried to install 12.0.4 “testing version” yunohost on my OVH VPS from “stable” version. All looks ok with the apps and int the web interface BUT… in the admin interface, when I go to the “domain” category, I can only see title, background but nothing else :confused:
When I use the green button “quick add” and “add domain”, I can normally create a domain / subdomain… but when all is created I go again to the empty page (so I cannot delete a domain for example). All was good on the previous “stable” version.
I did not find similar cases on the forum…
Below the log of the migration
Thanks for your help :wink:

Depuis la mise a jour vers la version “testing” je n’ai plus accès au menu “domaine” (la page se charge partiellement, sans texte ni liens) pourtant en utilisant le bouton vert “quick add” je peux créer normalement un domaine, jusqu’à revenir vers la page fantôme (mais l’opération s’exécute normalement). Aucun souci dans la version “stable”.
Je suis hébergé sur un VPS OVH.
Merci :wink:

Share relevant logs or error messages

link to the screenshot: Screenshot-5 hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB

Here is the fix Beta-stage testing for YunoHost 12.0/Bookworm and Bullseye->Bookworm migration - #147

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(More specifically version

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