[Blogotext] A lightweight Blog-Engine

Since someone was interested to see blogotext, I tried to package it.
It’s my first package and not sure about it at all.
Any modification is more than welcome.

If you want to try/test/modify the package, find an archive here : blogotext_ynh.tgz


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It’s a very interesting application and you did a good work. Could you pls open a new repos on github ? You will be able to work with the community to improve your package and to get suggestion. You will be able to have test from the CI jenkins to review your app too.

If you don’t have a github account, you can create one, and I can add you to the Yunohost-Apps organization. You will be able to create a repos directly in Yunohost-Apps orga which is the place where there are every packages from apps.

Useful link : https://github.com/Yunohost-Apps

thank you for your answer.
I created a repo here if anyone want to try and improve the package : https://github.com/B4rb3rouss/blogotext_ynh

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@thuban thank you very much for your work!
It lacks a bit of light CMS, it’s perfect.
I’ll be happy to install it!

@thuban I have a problem with the installation I put the logs here:

Snif, c’est dommage que personne ne reprenne le flambeau.