Source: GitHub - zyachel/libremdb: A free & open source IMDb front-end.
A free & open source IMDb front-end.
Inspired by projects like teddit , nitter and many others .
Some Features
No ads or tracking
Browse any movie info without being tracked or bombarded by annoying ads.
Modern interface
Modern interface with curated colors supporting both dark and light themes.
Responsive design
Be it your small mobile or big computer screen, it’s fully responsive.
December 29, 2022, 11:52am
Here you go.
Doesn’t work completely though: when I try to access a movie page I get a 500 error. This might be because the file /var/www/libremdb/.env.local
has not been configured correctly.
Thank you! That was very fast.
You’re correct about the 500 error. I created a PR to fix that: config useragent and accept in .env by rndmh3ro · Pull Request #1 · YunoHost-Apps/libremdb_ynh · GitHub
In my local tests the movie pages then worked.
February 5, 2023, 6:29pm
Thanks! I added you as maintainer for the repo.