[App Request] libremdb - A free & open source IMDb front-end

Source: GitHub - zyachel/libremdb: A free & open source IMDb front-end.

A free & open source IMDb front-end.

Inspired by projects like teddit, nitter and many others.

Some Features

  • No ads or tracking
    Browse any movie info without being tracked or bombarded by annoying ads.
  • Modern interface
    Modern interface with curated colors supporting both dark and light themes.
  • Responsive design
    Be it your small mobile or big computer screen, it’s fully responsive.
  • Lightweight

Here you go.
Doesn’t work completely though: when I try to access a movie page I get a 500 error. This might be because the file /var/www/libremdb/.env.local has not been configured correctly.

Thank you! That was very fast.

You’re correct about the 500 error. I created a PR to fix that: config useragent and accept in .env by rndmh3ro · Pull Request #1 · YunoHost-Apps/libremdb_ynh · GitHub

In my local tests the movie pages then worked.

Hey @ericg,

I’d like to take over maintenance of the app. I already got some experience with maintaining them (GitHub - YunoHost-Apps/invoiceninja5_ynh: InvoiceNinja5 package for YunoHost, GitHub - YunoHost-Apps/invoiceninja_ynh: InvoiceNinja package for YunoHost).

Thanks! I added you as maintainer for the repo.