Ampache uPnP server

Bonjour, Hello,

I am struggling to connect any remote clients to my Ampache server. PowerAmpache works but I d like a client UpnP. I have spent the last two days trying to figure out the problem, but I really cannot.

Je me bats pour connecter un client distant a mon serveur Ampache. PowerAmpache fonctionne mais je voudrais un client Upnp. Je viens de passer deux jours mais là j’y arrive pas.

Est ce que le paramétrage suivant est toujours d’actualité :
The configuration below is always good :


Your Ampache server can be accessed through UPnP / DLNA API but there is some prerequisite for that:

You must enable UPnP Backend in System settings.
You must also enable Enable url rewriting in Streaming settings.
If your installation is within a subfolder '/ampache' you must take care for your Rewrite Rules within '[ampachepath]/play/.htaccess'.
PHP Socket mod must be enabled and PHP XMLReader extension available
You should broadcast the server periodically calling http://localhost/ampache/upnp/?btnSend=Send+SSDP+broadcast or php bin/ with a cron (every 1-2 minutes recommended).
You need to set the http_host option within config/ampache.cfg.php to broadcast via
You need to enable (remove leading semicolon) ;websocket_address = "ws://localhost:8100" in config/ampache.cfg.php.

merci les gars :slight_smile: thanks everybody :slight_smile:

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