Alerte de modification manuelle sur un fichier que je n’ai pas touché

En découvrant le rapport du diagnostic automatique de ce matin, je lis ça :

[WARNING] Configuration file /etc/apt/preferences.d/extra_php_version appears to have been manually modified.
_ - This is probably OK if you know what you’re doing! YunoHost will stop updating this file automatically… But beware that YunoHost upgrades could contain important recommended changes. If you want to, you can inspect the differences with ‘yunohost tools regen-conf apt --dry-run --with-diff’ and force the reset to the recommended configuration with ‘yunohost tools regen-conf apt --force’

Hier, j’ai fait des mises à jour de Yunohost mais je n’ai rien modifié manuellement. Je lance donc la commande yunohost tools regen-conf apt --dry-run --with-diff et obtiens :

Warning: The configuration file '/etc/apt/preferences.d/extra_php_version' has been manually modified and will not be updated
      diff: @@ -1,4 +1,64 @@
-Package: *
-Pin: origin ""
-Pin-Priority: 600
+Package: php
+Pin: origin "" 
+Pin-Priority: -1
+Package: php-fpm
+Pin: origin "" 
+Pin-Priority: -1
+Package: php-mysql
+Pin: origin "" 
+Pin-Priority: -1
+Package: php-xml
+Pin: origin "" 
+Pin-Priority: -1
+Package: php-zip
+Pin: origin "" 
+Pin-Priority: -1
+Package: php-mbstring
+Pin: origin "" 
+Pin-Priority: -1
+Package: php-ldap
+Pin: origin "" 
+Pin-Priority: -1
+Package: php-gd
+Pin: origin "" 
+Pin-Priority: -1
+Package: php-curl
+Pin: origin "" 
+Pin-Priority: -1
+Package: php-bz2
+Pin: origin "" 
+Pin-Priority: -1
+Package: php-json
+Pin: origin "" 
+Pin-Priority: -1
+Package: php-sqlite3
+Pin: origin "" 
+Pin-Priority: -1
+Package: php-intl
+Pin: origin "" 
+Pin-Priority: -1
+Package: openssl
+Pin: origin "" 
+Pin-Priority: -1
+Package: libssl1.1
+Pin: origin "" 
+Pin-Priority: -1
+Package: libssl-dev
+Pin: origin "" 
+Pin-Priority: -1
      status: modified

Est-ce normal ? Est-ce la mise à jour de Yunohost qui est détectée comme modification manuelle ?
Merci d’avance

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