Admin panel is unavailable (404) after yunohost install

I installed yunohost to armbian tvbox (s905x3 bullseye).
now I have 404 in https://yh.local/yunohost/admin/
but https://yh.local/yunohost/sso working good, login ok

yunohost service status give me:

  configuration: unknown
  description: Manages interactions between the YunoHost web interface and the system
  last_state_change: 2024-06-15 14:42:14
  start_on_boot: enabled
  status: running

how I can resolve this issue?

What’s the output of lsb_release -a?

Thanks for your question.
My mistake was in old debian system
I found fresh debian on 6.* core, reinstall yunohost, now all right.

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