Adding DNS records AFTER setup?


I’m just about to install YunoHost for the first time on newly bought VPS (of course with IP address). I already own a domain (and website) on a different server at a different host company. Now I want to setup a clone of my old homepage on YunoHost AT FIRST and THEN let point my domain name to my new IP address. Is this possible, or do I have to configure my DNS completely before I setup my website? And how should I proceed?

Thanks for your time and efforts :slight_smile:

De plus experts que moi te seraient plus utiles, en ce qui me concerne, si j’ai bien compris la question, voilà comment je m’y prendrai.
Installation de Yunohost avec tondomaine.tld
Une fois Yunohost fonctionnel, soit :
1- je re-dirigerai avec l’application redirect
2- j’installerai mon site sur mon serveur avec webapp custom
3- je maîtrise la configuration Nginx (ce n’est pas mon cas) et je bidouille un système qui me satisfasse.
Espérant que cela puisse t’aider, bonne journée !

Good morning, sir,
More experts than me would be more useful to you, as far as I am concerned, if I understood the question correctly, this is how I will go about it.
Yunohost’s installation with tondomain.tld
Once Yunohost is up and running:
1- I will redirect with the redirect application
2- I will install my site on my server with custom webapp
3- I master the Nginx configuration (this is not my case) and I tinker with a system that satisfies me.
Hoping that this can help you, have a nice day!

Translated with (free version)

Thank you very much for your answer. I will try to follow your steps and see what happens. :wink:

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