Access nextcloud via SSHFS

I didn’t think it would be old, let me check. It is now:

Server is running YunoHost (testing)

    yunohost version: (testing)
    yunohost-admin version: 4.1.4 (testing)
    moulinette version: 4.1.4 (testing)
    ssowat version: 4.1.3 (testing)


Pending migrations
No pending migrations
Previous migrations
19. Extend/rework the app permission management system
18. Migrate old network traffic rules to the new nftable system
17. Migrate databases from PostgreSQL 9.6 to 11
16. Migrate php7.0-fpm 'pool' conf files to php7.3
15. Upgrade the system to Debian Buster and YunoHost 4.x


ssowat (from 4.1.3 to 4.2.4)
yunohost-admin (from 4.1.4 to 4.2.5)
yunohost (from to 4.2.8)

Ah, there I am behind! Since when is the SSH permission available? I’ll run the update immediately!

Upgrade, so I thought. I’m still on with this Yunohost, so it is not able to update. I have to look up what the workaround for that was; brb :slight_smile:
(slightly off topic, for those with the same problem:

apt-key del B188E2B695BD4743
apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys B188E2B695BD4743
curl -sSL -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/php.gpg

Not all may be necessary, but without apt-key del it may go wrong, and just apt-key adv may not find the key. If it does not work: check the key ID)